Interim Human Resources Coach Lindsay Goldstein shares her thoughts on Cross Every Finish Line

When you hear the term investment, thoughts usually go straight toward the financial. But investment is more than that. Investment is also a mindset. When it comes to Leasepath, one of the biggest draws is their dedication and commitment to investing in the individuals who make Leasepath, Leasepath.

Having recently joined the team, I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to see how Leasepath operates internally with a “fresh set of eyes.” What I’ve observed was something a lot of organizations tout when discussing their culture, can be hard to maintain, and so often falls flat.

At Leasepath, it is highly encouraged that all teammates continue learning and grow in their fields through ongoing development with their coaches, training plan development to improve hard and soft skills, accommodations to focus on these training opportunities, and the ability for any teammate to suggest and express interest in areas they want to learn more. This has been focus well before my arrival and was touched on in a previous Leasepath Blog Leasepath We Grow 2022: Looking Back, and will continue to be a focus for the entire team for years to come.

Not only does Leasepath invest in their teammate’s professional endeavors, they’ve also made the investment to do something equally important; for each of us to invest in ourselves. This goes beyond the workplace development plans, but to our personal lives and our time away from work. 

From generous time off policies, celebrating personal milestones, encouragement to do something different like running a race or try a new experience, it really is the goal of Leasepath to cultivate this investment mindset that allows us to be successful outside of work which aids us in being successful at work.

At the end of the day, just as a financial institution is looking at partnering with Leasepath and our platform to streamline and improve the equipment finance leasing experience, Leasepath partnerswith and invests in its teammates to ensure they are on top of their game, up to date on industry trends, attaining relevant industry and technical certifications, and maintain a positive work-life balance. What Leasepath puts into their team comes out in the products we provide, the level of service from our support and customer success teams, and ongoing improvement and development; all so we can support our incredible clients.

“The best gift you can give to yourself is to invest in yourself.”

― Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

“Invest in yourself. You can afford it. Trust me.”

― Rashon Carraway

“Invest in yourself to get the best interest.”

― Debasish Mridha

About Leasepath

Leasepath is the Intelligent Workplace platform for Customer Engagement (CRM) and Origination (LOS), purpose-built exclusively for the equipment finance industry. Leasepath is powered by the Microsoft Power Platform to provide a proven, cloud-first solution complete with configurable, dynamic, automated solutions for pricing, amortization calculation, asset management, tax, documentation, and integration with mission critical applications like e-mail, e-signature, and KYC credit and data providers. Leasepath is the preferred choice for equipment finance businesses to win easier, risk less, and profit more. One of the Inc. 5000’s fastest growing companies in the US, Leasepath serves Banks, Independent Finance, Captive Finance, and Brokers across North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Learn more about Leasepath by visiting