Leasepath Launches First Feature-Length Commercial: “My Finance Platform Doesn’t Do That”

We’re excited to announce the release of Leasepath’s first-ever feature-length commercial, “My Finance Platform Doesn’t Do That.” This lighthearted, humorous video is now live on our YouTube channel and offers a fun twist on the classic challenges finance professionals face daily—complete with a nostalgic nod to the Microsoft Excel commercials of the 1990s.

The commercial showcases the power and simplicity of Leasepath’s Intelligent Workplace platform. We’ve all experienced the frustration of juggling manual processes, disconnected systems, and endless delays in closing deals. In this video, we highlight how Leasepath Enterprise is designed to eliminate those headaches, enabling teams to move faster, close deals more efficiently, and improve profitability—all in one integrated platform.

This video is more than just entertainment—it’s a glimpse into how Leasepath is redefining the way equipment finance professionals work. From automating document generation to providing real-time customer insights, our platform streamlines workflows and empowers teams to work smarter, not harder.

We invite you to watch the full video on our YouTube channel, share it with your colleagues, and join the conversation about the future of finance technology. Watch how Leasepath makes the difference between a fast, smooth deal—and one that doesn’t quite make it to the finish line.

Check it out here and let us know what you think!

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